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5 Reasons Why Christian Education Benefits Your Child


Is your child really going to benefit from getting a Christian education? To answer in the words of Martin Luther, “I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt…I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth.”

As a private elementary school in Oviedo, Florida, we believe in the lifelong benefit of immersing children in the Christian institution. Here are additional benefits you can look upon:

  • Exposure to God’s Word
    Private Christian schools allot time for God’s Word to be inculcated in the young minds of children. In this sensitive phase of a person’s life, your child can establish early on that God’s Word serves as a foundation for all other human knowledge such as Mathematics, Science, and Literacy.
  • Obedience to God’s command
    Proverbs 9:10 reminds parents that wisdom begins when a person fears the LORD. When your child is exposed early on to the knowledge of God, you are arming them with God’s wisdom which they will need for life.
  • Bring up a value-laden child
    The Christian values put high emphasis in glorifying God, such that every action of God’s child is intended to bring pleasure to God. God is not pleased with evil and wickedness because He’s the embodiment of love and the God of truth and justice. When your child knows God’s character, they will learn to live their lives according to His ways.
  • Competent and God-fearing teachers
    Teachers of Christian schools are serving the Almighty God. This conviction motivates them to teach with diligence, competence, and excellence knowing that God Himself sees their thoughts and actions. Your child deserves nothing but the best and God-fearing teachers can walk them through this path.
  • Academic competence
    Children from Christian schools are taught the values of sincerity and diligence in everything they do while remembering that they do these for God’s glory. Even when they learn numbers or read stories, they can practice to work towards excellence because doing their best is glorifying to God. Because of this, academic competence in Christian circles have more integrity than elsewhere.

You are in the best position to carve out the paths to your child’s future. At Lords Kingdom Academy, we encourage you to consider the eternal yields that your child can gain when they have a good Christian foundation. To know more about our programs, don’t hesitate to contact us or visit our website.

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