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The Pros of Christian Education


Your children’s education is important, but their spiritual walk is even more important. Don’t ignore the pros that Christian education brings. Proverbs 20:15 says, “Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.” Enroll your children in a Private Preschool in Oviedo Florida today, and let us provide them with good education and guide them to walk with God.

  • Bible
    You don’t just want to teach your children to love reading books. You want them to love reading the Bible, too. Reading the Bible is critical. With God’s Holy Word, we are able to learn lessons more valuable than any other book can bring. At a Private Christian School, your young ones will learn Bible truths that they will hold in their heart for the rest of their lives.
  • Prayer
    In a Christian school, not only will your young ones learn to love reading the Bible, they will also learn the power of prayer. Praying is our way of talking to God, and with prayer comes breakthroughs, protection, and change.  In Jeremiah 29:12 it says, “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Teaching your children to pray will help them strengthen their relationship with Christ. It will comfort them to know that God is always listening to them.
  • Good Teachers
    Your young ones need someone who they can look up to, someone who will be patient to them, and someone who will listen. At home, that person is you, as their parent. In school, that person should be their teacher. A good Christian school will have good Christian teachers. Positive, Christ-like educators will be the role models that your little ones need.
  • Their Future
    Christian education will benefit your children’s future. They will be prepared for anything life throws in their way. When they are all grown up and out of school, they will continue to pray and read their Bible and listen to God’s voice, just like they learned to do in school. With God, they’ll grow to be confident in the path He has set out for them, and you can be confident that their future is safe in God’s hands.
  • Environment
    Some public schools maybe notorious for bad words, peer pressure, and bullies. All schools have their problems, but at a private Christian school, your children will be in a positive, safe environment. At Lords Kingdom Academy, we will provide your tots with the Christian education and safe environment that will benefit them. Enroll your young ones today!
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